generativepy.color module
Categories: generativepy generative art

generativepy uses Color
objects to represent colours.
Colours are stored as 4 values representing the red, green, blue and transparency (rgba
). Each value has a range of 0.0 to 1.0, that represents the amount of that colour that is present:
- An
value of 0.0 means that colour contains no red. - An
value of 1.0 means that colour contains the full intensity red. - An
value of 0.25 means that colour contains a 25% of full intensity red. - Similar for
, allowing any colour can be created using ther
For the alpha value, a
- An
value of 0.0 means that colour is fully transparent (ie it can't be seen at all). - An
value of 1.0 means that colour is fully opaque. It will completely hide anything behind it. - An
value of 0.25 means that colour is partially transparent. It will partly hide anything behind it, creating a colour that is 75% of the background colour mixed with 25% of the foreground colour. - The way foreground and background colours mix can be changed using Pycairo compositing operators if you wish.
can be used to represent various types of colour, but all are stored internally as rgba
values (see the constructor section below for more details).
objects are immutable - you cannot change a Color
object once it has been created. However there are various factory methods available for creating new colours that are based on an existing colour (for example you can create a new colour that is 20% more red, or 50% less saturated, based on an existing colour).
objects behave as immutable sequences (similar to tuples) so you can index, unpack, and loop over a Color
The color
module also contains:
- The
function that can be used to create a color map. - Several reusable colour schemes.
There are a number of examples of using Color
in the in tutorial/colour folder on github.
Also see the colour section of the tutorial.
The Color
constructor creates an rgba
colour object. It accepts between 1 and 4 parameters.
All numerical input values are clamped in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (values less than 0.0 are replaced with 0.0, values greater than 1.0 are replaced with 1.0).
Monochrome (grey) colour
Parameter | Type | Description |
k | float | The grey value for the colour |
Creates a grey colour with a value between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white).
Internally this is represented as an rgba
colour with the r
, g
and b
values equal to k
, and the a
value to 1.
CSS named colour
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The CSS name of the colour |
Creates a colour based on a CSS name. There are 158 named colours, commonly used in web design but very useful in other areas. The list includes a complete range of colours in different shades that are mainly quite visually pleasing, and can be a good source of colour ideas. There are colour charts available on various websites.
Internally this is represented as an rgba
colour with the r
, g
and b
set from a dictionary, the a
value to 1.
Transparent monochrome (grey) colour
Color(k, a)
Parameter | Type | Description |
k | float | The grey value for the colour |
a | float | The alpha value for the colour |
Creates a transparent grey colour.
Internally this is represented as an rgba
colour with the r
, g
and b
values equal to k
, and the alpha value set to a
Transparent CSS named colour
(name, a)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The CSS name of the colour |
a | float | The alpha value for the colour |
Creates a transparent colour based on a CSS name.
Internally this is represented as an rgba
colour with the r
, g
and b
set from a dictionary, the alpha value set to 1.
RGB colour
Color(r, g, b)
Parameter | Type | Description |
r | float | The red value for the colour |
g | float | The green value for the colour |
b | float | The blue value for the colour |
Creates an rgb
Internally this is represented as an rgba
colour based on the r
, g
and b
values, with the a
value to 1.
RGBA colour
Color(r, g, b)
Parameter | Type | Description |
r | float | The red value for the colour |
g | float | The green value for the colour |
b | float | The blue value for the colour |
a | float | The alpha value for the colour |
Creates a transparent rgba
Internally this is represented as an rgba
colour based on the r
, g
, b
and a
HSL colour
Color.of_hsl(h, s, l)
Parameter | Type | Description |
h | float | The hue value for the colour |
s | float | The saturation value for the colour |
l | float | The lightness value for the colour |
Creates an HSL colour.
HSL colours are defined by 3 values:
- The hue value controls the position of the colour the colour wheel.
- The saturation controls how pure the colour is. For a particular hue, reducing the saturation creates a greyed out version of the same colour.
- The lightness controls how light the colour is. Varying the lightness creates a lighter or darker version of the same colour.
HSL is very useful because it allows you to control colours more intuitively.
Internally the colour is still represented as an rgba
colour. The h
, s
and l
values are converted to rgb
, with the a
value to 1.
HSLA colour
Color.of_hsla(h, s, l, a)
Parameter | Type | Description |
h | float | The hue value for the colour |
s | float | The saturation value for the colour |
l | float | The lightness value for the colour |
a | float | The alpha value for the colour |
Creates an HSLA colour.
Internally the colour is still represented as an rgba
colour. The h
, s
and l
values are converted to rgb
, with the a
added to set the transparency.
objects have the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
r | float | The red value of the colour |
g | float | The green value of the colour |
b | float | The blue value of the colour |
a | float | The alpha value of the colour |
rgb | tuple | A tuple of the (r, g, b) values of the colour |
rgba | tuple | A tuple of the (r, g, b, ) values of the colour |
h | float | The hue value of the colour |
s | float | The saturation value of the colour |
l | float | The lightness value of the colour |
light1 | Color | A new Color object that is lighter than the current color |
light2 | Color | As above, even lighter |
light3 | Color | As above, even lighter |
dark1 | Color | A new Color object that is darker than the current color |
dark2 | Color | As above, even darker |
dark3 | Color | See above, even darker |
Properties are used like this:
color = Color(1, 0, 0) # rgb colour
print(color.b) # The blue value of color
All these properties are available no matter how the colour was created. So for example if the colour was created as an rgb
colour, you can still get the h
property. The h, s, l values are calculated from the rgba
colour as needed.
The property light1
returns a new colour that is lighter than the original colour by a fixed factor. It is the equivalent of calling with_l()
to increase the lightness (in the HSL model). However, light1
uses a fixed factor, so you don't need to decide how much to lighten the colour by. light2
creates an even lighter colour, and light3
even lighter still. Similarly, dark1
creates a darker version of the original colour, dark2
even darker, and dark3
even darker than that.
They are used like this:
yellow = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0)
light_yellow = yellow.light1
Given a base colour and the lightX
and darkX
properties, you can easily create a palette of 7 colours that have different lightness's of the same colour.
The as_rgbstr
method returns the rgb values of the colour as a string in the format rgb(0, 128, 255)
. The three values represent r
, g
and b
and integers in the range 0 to 255.
The as_rgb_bytes
method returns the rgb values of the colour a tuple of 3 integer values. The three values represent r
, g
and b
as integers in the range 0 to 255.
The as_rgba_bytes
method returns the rgba values of the colour a tuple of 4 integer values. The three values represent r
, g
, b
and a
as integers in the range 0 to 255.
A Color
object can be indexed similar to a tuple (r, g, b, a)
. For example:
color = Color(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) # rgb colour
print(color[1]) # 0.2, the g value
The Color
object always behaves as a 4-tuple of RGBA values, no matter how it was created.
Setting a colour channel
You can create a new colour with a different red value like this:
color1 = Color(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) # rgb colour
color2 = color1.with_r(0.8) # color2 is rgba(0.8, 0.2, 0.3)
is the same as color1
but with a new red value.
You can use with_g()
, with_b()
, with_a()
, with_h()
, with_s()
, with_l()
, to set the other channels.
For hue, this works by first converting the rgb
to HSL values, then updating the hue value, then converting back to rgb
. If you alter the hue, you will usually find that the r
, g
and b
values all change. Similar for saturation and lightness.
Multiplying a colour channel
You can create a new colour with the red value multiplied by a factor, like this:
color1 = Color(0.5, 0.2, 0.3) # rgb colour
color2 = color1.with_r_factor(1.2) # color2 is rgba(0.6, 0.2, 0.3)
is the same as color1
but with its red value multiplied by 1.2. You can think of it as making the colour 20% more red. The multiplier can also be less than 1, for example a factor of 0.7 would make the colour 30% less red.
You can use with_g_factor()
, with_b_factor()
, with_a_factor()
, with_h_factor()
, with_s_factor()
, with_l_factor()
, to set the other channels.
The lerp
method creates a new colour by linear interpolation between two existing colours.
lerp(other, factor)
Parameter | Type | Description |
other | Color | The second colour |
factor | float | The interpolation factor |
Here is an example:
color1 = Color(0.4, 0.8, 0) # rgb colour1
color2 = Color(0, 0.4, 0.8) # rgb colour2
color3 = color1.lerp(color2, 0.25) # color3 is rgba(0.3, 0.7, 0.2, 1.0)
A good way to visualise this is to image a gradient that gradually changes colour from color1
to color2
. With a lerp
factor of 0.25, it means we have moved a quarter of the way between color1
to color2
. Our new colour is 75% color1
mixed with 25% color2
A color map is a list that maps integers 0
to n-1
onto set of different colours. It can be used to colorise an image that contains greyscale values.
The make_colormap
function creates a colormap of a specified size, containing one or more sections of varying colour.
make_colormap(length, colors, bands=None)
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | int | The required length of the colour map |
colors | a list of Colors | Colours to use in the map |
bands | a list of numbers | Relative size of each band, or None |
The colors
list must contain two or more Color
The bands
list, if present, must be a list of numbers, >=0. The length of thebands
list must be exactly 1 less than the length if the colors
list. If bands
is None, all the bands will be equal length.
Here are some examples:
map = make_colormap(100,
[Color(`black`), Color('white')])
Creates a list containing 100 colours that vary smoothly from black to white. So for example, map[20]
would be 20% grey.
map = make_colormap(256,
[Color(`red`), Color('yellow'), Color('black')])
Creates a list containing 256 colours that vary smoothly from red to yellow and then to black. Since no band
is specified, the two bands are equal size - the first 128 elements of the map vary smoothly from red to yellow, the next 128 elements vary smoothly from yellow to black.
map = make_colormap(256,
[Color(`red`), Color('yellow'), Color('black')],
[3, 1])
Again, creates a list containing 256 colours that vary smoothly from red to yellow and then to black. This time the band
value is [3, 1]
, the first band is three times bigger than the second bad - the first 192 elements of the map vary smoothly from red to yellow, the next 64 elements vary smoothly from yellow to black. Note that only the relative size of the bands matters. A band value of [6, 2]
would give exactly the same result as [3, 1]
. The first band will be three times larger than the second band.
map = make_colormap(256,
[Color(`red`), Color('yellow'), Color('blue'), Color('green')],
[1, 0, 1])
This time the map has 4 colours, so you might expect there to be 3 bands. But notice that the band values are [1, 0, 1]
, so the central band has zero length.
This means that the first 128 elements of the map vary smoothly from red to yellow, then there is a step change in colour to blue. The next 128 elements vary smoothly from blue to green.
Colour schemes
A colour scheme is a set of named colour definitions that can be used across different projects. For example, you might be creating a set of related diagrams or animations using a consistent set of colours.
A colour scheme is simply a class that has a set of properties that return Color
objects. The properties would typically be named using upper case colour names such as RED
. It allows you to easily use the same red or green every time.
This is a pattern rather than a concrete implementation. A couple of examples are included, but you can easily add your own using similar classes but including your own colour names and values.
The main intention of colour schemes is to be reusable. They are not necessarily interchangeable, because there is no requirement for different schemes to support the same set of colour names. If you wanted to create interchangeable colour schemes, you could do so, simply be designing a set of colour schemes that do share the same set of colour names.
Within a colour scheme, you can easily create lighter or darker versions of the base colours using light1
, dark1
, etc.
Currently, there are two colours schemes defined.
This colour scheme provides 7 basic colours: RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN, ORANGE.
It has 3 lighter colours: STEEL, CREAM, LIME.
It also provides BLACK, GREY, WHITE.
This colour scheme is designed to be used as a dral theme. It provides a dark grey BACKGROUND colour that can be used as the background.
It provides 7 basic colours: RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN, ORANGE.
It also provides BLACK, GREY, WHITE.
It also has a colour BACKGROUND that is suitable for use as a background for the dark colour scheme. This is a dark grey colour.
See also
- module
- generativepy.bitmap module
- generativepy.drawing module
- generativepy.drawing3d module
- generativepy.formulas module
- generativepy.geometry module
- generativepy.geometry3d module
- generativepy.gif module
- generativepy.graph module
- generativepy.math module
- module
- generativepy.nparray module
- generativepy.shape2d module
- generativepy.table module
- generativepy.tween module
- generativepy.utils module
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