generativepy.nparray module
Categories: generativepy generative art

The nparray
module provides the ability to paint bitmap images and save them as either PNG images or frames.
The module is similar to the bitmap module. However, in this module images are stored as NumPy arrays, rather than PIL images. Images are stored in the same format as that used for frames.
Images are stored as 1 byte per colour, in Grey, RGB or RGBA colour space. The data is stored as a 3 dimension NumPy array, with a dtype
of np.uint8
. The shape of the array is [height, width, channels]
where width
and height
are the image dimensions in pixels, and channels
is 1 (Grey), 3 (RGB), or 4 (RGBA). Note the swapping of width and height, because NumPy stores data by row then column. There is more detail in the section on frames.
NumPy doesn't offer the same image processing facilities as PIL, but is has advantages in some situations:
- NumPy is very good for arithmetic operations on pixel data.
- It is also a good choice if you want to perform multiple operations on individual pixels (as happens, for example, in certain fractal algorithms).
- It interfaces more easily with certain libraries such as
You can also store save and load NumPy arrays to file, in NumPy's own format. This just stores the data in a raw format, rather than a standard image format. This can be useful for storing intermediate calculations.
Used to create a single PNG image.
generativepy.nparray.make_nparray(outfile, paint, pixel_width, pixel_height, channels=3)
Parameter | Type | Description |
outfile | String | The path and filename for the output PNG file. It should end in '.png'. |
paint | Function | A drawing function object, see below. |
pixel_width | int | The width of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
pixel_height | int | The height of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
channels | int | The number of colour channels. 1 for greyscale, 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA |
creates a NumPy array object, then calls the user supplied paint
function to fill the array.
The paint function must have the following signature:
paint(image, pixel_width, pixel_height, frame_no, frame_count)
Parameter | Type | Description |
image | array | A NumPy array object that the paint function should work on. |
pixel_width | int | The width of the image in pixels. This is the same value as the width parameter in make_nparray. |
pixel_height | int | The height of the image in pixels. This is the same value as the height parameter in make_nparray. |
frame_no | int | The number of the current frame. |
frame_count | int | The total number of frames. |
and frame_count
only apply to functions that create a sequence of images. The make_nparray
function only ever creates one image, so the frame_no
will always be 0 and the frame_count
will always be 1.
Used to create a sequence of PNG images. These can be combined into an animated GIF or video.
generativepy.nparray.make_nparrays(outfile, paint, pixel_width, pixel_height, count, channels=3)
Parameter | Type | Description |
outfile | String | The path and filename for the output PNG file. It should end in '.png'. |
paint | Function | A drawing function object, see below. |
pixel_width | int | The width of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
pixel_height | int | The height of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
count | int | The total number of images that will be created. |
channels | int | The number of colour channels. 1 for greyscale, 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA |
creates a PIL Image object, then calls the user supplied paint
function to fill the image.
The outfile
parameter should be a base filepath. For example:
In this case the files will be created in the folder C:/temp, and their names will be based on the base name "image":
Once the images have been created, you can use an external program to convert them into an animated GIF or movie.
The paint function has the same signature as for make_nparray
. In this case though, it will be called count
times. The frame_count
will always be set to count
, and the frame_no
will increment each time draw is called. You can use the frame_no
value to draw a different image each time, to create animation.
Used to create a single PNG image.
generativepy.nparray.make_nparray_frame(paint, pixel_width, pixel_height, channels=3, out=None)
Parameter | Type | Description |
paint | Function | A drawing function object, see below. |
pixel_width | int | The width of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
pixel_height | int | The height of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
channels | int | The number of colour channels. 1 for greyscale, 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA. |
out | numpy | Optionally, an existing numpy array to use for the output. |
This works in a similar way to make_nparray
, but instead of saving the image to a file, it returns a frame.
Normally this function will create a new array based on the pixel_width
, pixel_height
and channels
parameters, with a type of np.uint8
If you provide a numpy
array as the out
parameter, the function will use that array instead of creating a new one. The array must have a shape of:
(pixel_height, pixel_width, channels)
But it can have any integer type.
Used to create a sequence of PNG images. These can be combined into an animated GIF or video.
generativepy.nparray.make_nparray_frames(paint, pixel_width, pixel_height, count, channels=3)
Parameter | Type | Description |
paint | Function | A drawing function object, see below. |
pixel_width | int | The width of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
pixel_height | int | The height of the image that will be created, in pixels. |
count | int | The total number of images that will be created. |
channels | int | The number of colour channels. 1 for greyscale, 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA |
This works in a simlar way to make_nparrays
, but instead of saving the images to a set of files, it returns a lazy sequence of frames.
Save a NumPy array to file.
generativepy.nparray.save_nparray(outfile, array)
Parameter | Type | Description |
outfile | String | The path and filename for the output file. |
array | NumPy array | An array containing the data. |
stores a NumPy array object to file, using NumPy's own format. The file can be re-loaded using load_nparray
can be any type of NumPy array. It can be a frame (which is just a NumPy array in a particular format), but it can also be any other type of NumPy array.
Load a NumPy array from file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
infile | String | The path and filename for the input file. |
loads a NumPy array object from file, using NumPy's own format. It returns the NumPy array.
The file can contain any type of NumPy array. If the data is of the correct format for a frame, the data can be used with any functions that accept frame data (for example the save_frame
function in the movies module). However, this function doesn't check compatibility, it will just load whatever type of data is in the file.
Create a colour map.
generativepy.nparray.make_npcolormap(length, colors, bands=None, channels=3)
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | int | Number of entries in the map |
colors | list of Color objects | The colours to make the map, there must be at least 2 |
bands | list of numbers | The relative size of each band of colours |
channels | int | 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA |
A colormap is a list of colours stored as a NumPy array. By default the colours are stored as 3 byte RGB values, with each colour taking a value 0 to 255.
Here is a very simple colormap:
map = make_npcolormap(8, [Color('black'), Color('red')])
This creates a map of 8 colours, that gradually change from black (RGB value [0, 0, 0]) to red (RGB value [255, 0, 0]). The colour changes gradually between those values
[[ 0 0 0] # black
[ 36 0 0]
[ 72 0 0]
[109 0 0]
[145 0 0]
[182 0 0]
[218 0 0]
[255 0 0]] # red
Here is a more advanced version:
map = make_npcolormap(12, [Color('black', 0), Color('red', 0.5), Color('white', 1)], [1, 2], channels=4)
Here we are creating a list of 12 colours. We have set channels to 4, so we will create an RGBA colour map, that is 4 bytes per colour with the last byte representing transparency.
There are 3 items in the colour list, so the colours will change from transparent black (RGBA value [0, 0, 0, 0]) to 50% opaque red (RGBA value [255, 0, 0, 255]) to fully opaque white (RGBA value [255, 255, 255, 255]).
We have also included a band parameter of [1, 2]
. This gives the relative length of each band, so the first transition from black to red should take half as many steps as the second transition from red to white.
Here is the output. this time each colour has 4 components. The transition from black to red takes 4 steps, the transition from red to white takes 8 steps.
[[ 0 0 0 0] # black
[ 85 0 0 42]
[170 0 0 85]
[255 0 0 127] # red
[255 0 0 127]
[255 36 36 145]
[255 72 72 163]
[255 109 109 182]
[255 145 145 200]
[255 182 182 218]
[255 218 218 236]
[255 255 255 255]] # white
Notice that the number of bands is always one less than the number of colours.
Apply a colour map to a monochrome image.
generativepy.nparray.apply_npcolormap(out, counts, npcolormap)
Parameter | Type | Description |
out | NumPy array | Output array to receive colour data |
counts | NumPy array | Input array, monochrome image |
npcolormap | colormap | A colormap |
Applies a colormap.
This takes a monochrome image, counts
, and uses the npcolormap
to convert each grayscale pixel into a colour. Each pixel is stored in the corresponding element of the out
Typically counts
will be a NumPy array of shape (height, width, 1), and some integer data type.
will normally be an empty array of shape (height, width, 3) and type np.uint8
. The colormap will convert each integer value in counts
into an RGB value that gets stored in out
Scaler class
The Scaler
class defined in the bitmap module can also be used with the nparray
See also
- module
- generativepy.bitmap module
- generativepy.color module
- generativepy.drawing module
- generativepy.drawing3d module
- generativepy.formulas module
- generativepy.geometry module
- generativepy.geometry3d module
- generativepy.gif module
- generativepy.graph module
- generativepy.math module
- module
- generativepy.shape2d module
- generativepy.table module
- generativepy.tween module
- generativepy.utils module
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