All articles (343)


  1. A simple turtle in generativepy
  2. About
  3. Abstract Data Types - coming soon
  4. Advanced vectorisation in numpy
  5. Alpha colour in generativepy
  6. Anatomy of a numpy array
  7. AngleMarker
  8. Arrays (data structures)
  9. Arrowhead


  1. Bar charts in Matplotlib
  2. Basic drawing in Pycairo
  3. Beginning Python
  4. Behavioural design patterns
  5. Bezier
  6. Bezier curves in Pycairo
  7. Bezier curves in generativepy
  8. Big-O notation - coming soon
  9. Bouncing ball in pygame
  10. Box plots in Matplotlib
  11. Broadcasting in in numpy
  12. Builder pattern
  13. Built-in functions
  14. Built-in functions on iterables
  15. Burning ship fractal with generativepy


  1. CMYK colour space
  2. CSV files
  3. Callable objects
  4. Calling functions
  5. Cardioid string art with generativepy
  6. Chain of responsibility pattern
  7. Changing the loop order
  8. Chaos game
  9. Cheat sheets
  10. Circle
  11. Circles and ellipses in generativepy
  12. Clip regions in generativepy
  13. Closures
  14. Collections
  15. Colour
  16. Colour depth
  17. Colour in generativepy
  18. Colour interpolation in generativepy
  19. Colour mode in Pillow
  20. Colour properties in generativepy
  21. Colour representation in Pillow
  22. Colour schemes in generativepy
  23. Colour spaces
  24. Colour spaces in generativepy
  25. Coloured Mandelbrot set with generativepy
  26. Coloured tinkerbell fractal with generativepy
  27. Complex paths in generativepy
  28. Composite paths in generativepy
  29. Computer Graphics in Python ebook
  30. Computer science
  31. Converting markdown
  32. Creating GIFs in generativepy
  33. Creating a PNG image of a formula in generativepy
  34. Creating a simple class
  35. Creating a simple pygame window
  36. Creating an SVG file with generativepy
  37. Creating animated GIFs with Pillow
  38. Creating data series in numpy
  39. Creating numpy arrays
  40. Creating numpy arrays from existing data
  41. Creating numpy arrays with fixed values
  42. Creating quantitative plots with Matplotlib
  43. Creating random data in numpy
  44. Creating simple plots with Matplotlib
  45. Creating simple plots with Matplotlib
  46. Creational design patterns
  47. Cryptography getting started
  48. Cryptography library
  49. Cryptography terms


  1. Data colouring Matplotlib bar charts
  2. Data colouring for Matplotlib plots
  3. Data types
  4. Data types
  5. Declaring functions
  6. Decorator pattern
  7. Derived colour in generativepy
  8. Design patterns
  9. Device and user space in generativepy.drawing
  10. Dictionaries (data structures) - coming soon
  11. Displaying text in Pycairo
  12. Drawing shapes in Pycairo


  1. Ellipse
  2. Error bars in Matplotlib
  3. Error page not found
  4. Example classes
  5. Exception handling
  6. Exceptions
  7. Expressions and data types


  1. Failure monad
  2. Fernet system for symmetric encryption
  3. Files
  4. Fill and stroke in generativepy
  5. Fill patterns in generativepy
  6. Fill styles in generativepy
  7. Filters in Pillow
  8. Fitting a line to a scatter plot in Matplotlib
  9. Flask webserver - adding HTML and CSS
  10. Flask webserver - adding a detail view
  11. Flask webserver - adding an About page
  12. Flask webserver - dynamic pages
  13. Flask webserver - getting started
  14. Flask webserver - using a database
  15. Flask webserver introduction
  16. Flow control
  17. For loop using range vs iterables
  18. For loops
  19. Formulas in generativepy
  20. Fractals with generativepy
  21. Function decorators
  22. Function objects and lambdas
  23. Functional Programming
  24. Functional design patterns
  25. Functional programming in Python ebook
  26. Functions
  27. Functions
  28. Functions
  29. functools module


  1. Generative art
  2. Generators
  3. Geometric art with generativepy
  4. Geometric markers in generativepy
  5. Getting started with generativepy
  6. Getting started with generativepy
  7. Gingerbread man fractal with generativepy
  8. Global variables
  9. Grammar based art with generativepy
  10. Graphics projects
  11. Greyscale colour space
  12. generativepy
  13. generativepy Frames
  14. generativepy modules
  15. generativepy tutorial
  16. generativepy versions
  17. module
  18. generativepy.bitmap module
  19. generativepy.color module
  20. generativepy.drawing module
  21. generativepy.drawing3d module
  22. generativepy.formulas module
  23. generativepy.geometry module
  24. generativepy.geometry3d module
  25. generativepy.gif module
  26. generativepy.graph module
  27. generativepy.math module
  28. module
  29. generativepy.nparray module
  30. generativepy.shape2d module
  31. generativepy.table module
  32. generativepy.tween module
  33. generativepy.utils module


  1. HSL colour space
  2. Hazmat layer
  3. Hello, world!
  4. Histograms in Matplotlib


  1. If statements
  2. Image
  3. Image colour adjustment recipes in Pillow
  4. Image colour effects recipes in Pillow
  5. Image deforming recipes in Pillow
  6. Image enhance recipes in Pillow
  7. Image geometric transforms with NumPy and SciPy
  8. Image manipulation recipes in Pillow
  9. Image operations recipes in Pillow
  10. Image operations with NumPy
  11. Image processing with pillow and NumPy
  12. Image resizing recipes in Pillow
  13. Image sequences in generativepy
  14. Image transforming recipes in Pillow
  15. Images in generativepy
  16. Imaging recipes in Pillow
  17. Immutable objects
  18. In place operator overloading
  19. Indexing and slicing numpy arrays
  20. Installing generativepy
  21. Installing pygame
  22. Intermediate Python
  23. Introduction to Functional Programming
  24. Introduction to computer sound
  25. Introduction to data structures
  26. Introduction to unit testing in Python
  27. Iterated function systems with generativepy
  28. Iterator/iterable protocol
  29. Iterators
  30. Iterators vs iterables
  31. itertools module
  32. itertools module - cartesian product
  33. itertools module - combinations
  34. itertools module - combinatoric iterators
  35. itertools module - general iterators
  36. itertools module - infinite iterators
  37. itertools module - permutations


  1. Key advantages of NumPy
  2. King's dream fractal with generativepy


  1. L Systems - creating trees and ferns
  2. L Systems and Koch curves
  3. L Systems with generativepy
  4. Lambda functions
  5. Light and colour
  6. Line
  7. Line plot in Matplotlib
  8. Linear gradients in Pycairo
  9. Linear gradients in generativepy
  10. List comprehensions
  11. List monad
  12. Lists
  13. Lists (data structures)
  14. Lists and tuples
  15. Lists vs tuples
  16. Looping over multiple items (old article)
  17. Looping over selected items
  18. Loops
  19. Low level code optimisation
  20. Luminance-chrominance colour spaces


  1. Magic methods
  2. Magic methods
  3. Making art with generativepy
  4. Mandelbrot fractal
  5. Mandelbrot set with generativepy
  6. Map/reduce example
  7. Matplotlib data and code
  8. Matplotlib introduction
  9. Maybe monad
  10. Monads
  11. More loops
  12. Multidimensional collections
  13. Multiple line plots in Matplotlib


  1. Named tuples
  2. NumPy Recipes ebook
  3. NumPy introduction
  4. NumPy introduction
  5. Numpy - contents
  6. Numpy efficiency


  1. Object oriented programming
  2. Object protocols
  3. Objects and identity
  4. Objects and variables
  5. Operator overloading
  6. Operators
  7. Optimisation
  8. Optimisation good practice
  9. Optional module
  10. Other geometry classes
  11. Overloading str to control print behaviour


  1. Paratick
  2. Partial application
  3. Path
  4. Path objects in generativepy
  5. Paths and complex shapes in Pycairo
  6. Patterns - special fills
  7. Pie charts in Matplotlib
  8. Pillow introduction
  9. Polygon
  10. Polygons in generativepy
  11. Pong game using Pygame
  12. Pong game using Pygame - step 1
  13. Pong game using Pygame - step 2
  14. Pong game using Pygame - step 3
  15. Programming logic
  16. Pure functions
  17. Pycairo contents
  18. Pygame projects
  19. Pygame sprite class
  20. Python Quick Start ebook
  21. Python Standard Library introduction
  22. Python language
  23. Python libraries
  24. Python programming paradigms
  25. Python programming techniques
  26. Python projects
  27. Python syntax overview
  28. PythonInformer ebooks
  29. pygame


  1. RGB colour space
  2. Recipes layer
  3. Rectangle
  4. Recursion and the lru_cache in Python
  5. Reducing and accumulating numpy arrays
  6. Regular polygons in generativepy
  7. RegularPolygon


  1. Saving Matplotlib plots to file
  2. Scatter plots in Matplotlib
  3. Sequences
  4. Shapes
  5. Shapes in generativepy
  6. Short circuit evaluation
  7. Showing data distribution in Matplotlib
  8. Simple image in generativepy
  9. Singleton pattern
  10. Slices
  11. Sound synthesis project
  12. Spirographs
  13. Sprite animation in pygame
  14. Sprites in pygame
  15. Square
  16. Static site generator project
  17. Static sites
  18. Stem plots in Matplotlib
  19. Strategy pattern
  20. Streams (data structures) - coming soon
  21. String functions
  22. Strings
  23. Stroke styles in generativepy
  24. Structural design patterns
  25. Structural optimisation
  26. Styling Matplotlib plots
  27. Styling lines and markers with Matplotlib


  1. Text
  2. Text in generativepy
  3. Text metrics in generativepy
  4. Text offset in generativepy
  5. The setup function in generativepy
  6. Tick
  7. Tinkerbell fractal with generativepy
  8. Transform
  9. Transform class in generativepy
  10. Transforming iterables
  11. Transforms in Pycairo - rotate
  12. Transforms in Pycairo - scale
  13. Transforms in Pycairo - translate
  14. Transforms in generativepy
  15. Triangle
  16. Tuples
  17. Turtle
  18. Turtles in generativepy


  1. Universal functions in in numpy
  2. Updates
  3. Using Python as a calculator
  4. Using categorical data with Matplotlib
  5. Using enumerate in a for loop
  6. Using numpy with Matplotlib
  7. Using subplots in Matplotlib
  8. Using zip in a for loop
  9. Utility libraries


  1. Vectorisation in numpy
  2. Violin plots in Matplotlib


  1. Walrus Operator
  2. Welcome to PythonInformer
  3. What is unit testing in Python?
  4. With statements
If you found this article useful, you might be interested in the book NumPy Recipes or other books by the same author.

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